Home security systems are a fantastic way to ensure the safety of your property, your valuables and your loved ones, but there are more benefits to a home security system than just being a deterrent to potential burglars and thieves. Home security systems are an umbrella term for electronic technologies like cameras, alarms, sensors, keypads and other devices that can be installed in and around a home in order to frighten off intruders or prevent them from entering the property.
Home security systems enable you to see your home from any location, can give you a message when a delivery has been made while you’re at work or update features that will make you and your family safer in general, not just from human threats. The following are 5 benefits of home security systems that have nothing to do with security and house protection.
Never Lock Yourself Out Again
Home security systems are intended to not only monitor a home, but to also make it harder to break into. Despite this, having certain security devices can actually make it easier for a homeowner to enter and exit their house, conveniently and efficiently, without sacrificing any security or safety.
Home security systems such as smart locks, a number pad instead of keys or keyless locks can help a homeowner never lock themselves out the house again, as they only need to memorise the right keycode for a number pad to gain access to their house. This also reduces the amount of spare or loose keys that a homeowner could lose track of and guarantees no one can come in through the back or front door, even with a lockpick.
Look After Your Kids
Home security lets you look out for yourself, your property and your loved ones, by monitoring the property and making it difficult to get into, yet those same features can also be used to look after young children around the house, and provide conveniences to older kids as well.
If your children are young and often need supervision, then a home security system with CCTV cameras installed can let you check up on your children while you are in your home’s gym or cooking in the kitchen. The same keypads and smart locks that let the homeowner into the house even without keys can be made available to children coming home from school or sports practice.
Monitor Your Deliveries
As the front door is the first target for most house burglars, it should be a point in the house that is well monitored to deter potential burglars but the same cameras and monitors can inform a homeowner when a package has been delivered while they were away from home. If you know the time and date an order should arrive at your doorstep, keeping an eye on the front door camera can let you know if a parcel was delivered on time or not, who delivered it and if you need to run home, if possible, or call someone to pick it up.
Picking up packages from your home as soon as possible is more important than it may seem. A package being left on your doorstep is a sign that no one is home and can increase the risk of a home burglary. Using a security camera to watch for deliveries and calling friends or neighbours to hold it until you get home can reduce the risk of theft.
Looking to Install CCTV and alarms?
Check out our CCTV installation services for a quick and efficient way to make your home safer.
Multipurpose Alarms
Alarms are one of the most powerful tools against home invaders, especially ones installed in the front door or around a house’s most vulnerable entrances, but alarms can also be used as lifesavers for reasons outside of safety.
Newer alarm systems, such as The Ajax, will not only inform a homeowner of a potential breach, but the alarm will also go off in the event of a house fire, or if there is a dangerous level of smoke, toxic materials or other detectable hazardous materials. Some alarm systems can also request emergency medical assistance for the elderly and anyone who has had a fall or injury in the house.
Reduce Home Insurance
Installing a good home security system in a house will make it safer, less vulnerable and be a great detriment to would-be thieves just from having the security company’s sign in a clear location, but a benefit of home security that may slip past homeowners is a lower home insurance rate.
Depending on the insurance company, the property, and the level of security devices that has been installed, a home with a clear security system set up can save up to 20% on home insurance costs, as the company considers the property as less of a risk to insure due to the reduced likelihood of property theft and damage.